Madness Project Nexus 2

Madness: Project Nexus Hacked Play Madness: Project Nexus Unhacked. Game & Hack Information. Dec 08, 20 Plays Action 14.89 MB. Hacked By: selectLOL. Hack Information: Keyhacks: Press G Toggle health - H Toggle ammo - J Toggle slowmotion - K Money - L Exp. Game Information. Jul 01, 2020 Madness: Project Nexus 2 A fast-paced, Run n' Gun shooter (PC/Mac), filled to the brim with comic violence, swords, guns, squad combat, guns, and guns! Coming Soon - Check Us Out! Along with your copy of Madness: Project Nexus 2, you'll receive a fun little stack of Madness stickers and buttons to commemorate your pledge. Krinkels and Swain will also be thanking you by name in a thank-you tweet at the end of the campaign, and your name or call sign will show up in the game's credits.

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Aside from the 'Project Nexus' part, it's aboutwhat you would expect.

MADNESS: Project Nexus (often abbreviated to MPN or simply PN2, formerly known as Project Nexus 2 before a rebranding) is a game developed by Matt 'Krinkels' Jolly and Michael Swain of Newgrounds fame. It is currently in development as a game set in an Alternate ContinuityMadness Combat universe as a 3D Shoot 'em Up / Hack and Slash hybrid resembling an arena-type arcade game (such as Smash TV or Final Fight, as described by Swain). It is currently in a closed beta phase, and includes a limited 'Story Campaign' mode which is in development, and a fully implemented 'Arena Combat' mode and 'Interactive Mode' (the latter is essentially a sandbox for messing around with enemies and weapons). A 'Zed Survival' mode is planned for post-release of the game.

Staying true to its Madness Combat roots, PN is a title filled with the expected dose of 'ultraviolence' and functions as a Murder Simulator in regards to gameplay. Many 'real' and improvised weapons are included in the game, mostly featuring guns and melee weapons alike.



Madness Project Nexus 2
  • Absurd Cutting Power: Decapitation is possible in some instances when the conditions are right. One such condition is having the 'Lawnmower' skill while throwing a bladed weapon towards a line of bad guys and watching all of their heads get sliced off. A recent update allows slicing heads clean in half.
  • A.K.A.-47: Applies to almost all of the guns in the game. Many of them have instantly recognizable aliases, such as 'N911', 'NPK', and 'NN 57', and are modeled after their real life counterparts. In most of them, at least one 'N' stands for 'Nevadean' or 'Nevada'.
  • All Swords Are the Same: This gets downplayed, since most swords handle the same way regardless of type. Rapiers and eastern swords handle with their own styles, but only if the wielder has the skill to do so.
  • Ammunition Backpack: Certain gear items in arena mode allow you to carry more magazines. This is shown with the 'MagBonus' attribute.
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  • And I Must Scream: Lamenter Abominations get their name from the fact that, while still rendered insane by the process of creating them, they maintain just enough of their awareness to make them scream for answers as to why they were made.
  • Audible Sharpness: Bladed weapons make a 'SHING!' when being pulled out. Some blunt weapons do, too.
  • Bare-Handed Blade Block: Even without holding a weapon, a player with enough unarmed skill can outright block incoming sword attacks with their bare hands.
  • BFG: The 'Mhati-999' is a gigantic anti-tank rifle that can be held, slung around, and used as a normal weapon. The kicker is that it's over twice as long as the wielder's body, and the magazine alone is the size of a character model's head. There's also a comically oversized handheld minigun as well.
  • BFS: The game borrows Guts' Dragonslayer for the player's use and true to form it's still too big, too thick, too heavy and too rough to be called a sword.
  • The Blade Always Lands Pointy End In: This happens with thrown swords, but surprisingly, after getting the 'Lawnmower' skill which puts a spin on the blade when you throw it, this stops happening.
  • Blown Across the Room: One skill for shotguns is called 'Shotgun Blastoff', which blows enemies across the room at point-blank range 'in a shower of blood and shame'.
  • Boom, Headshot!: Since the game is a 3D arena-style game that would otherwise have no real way of aiming at certain points on a single target, the developers have dedicated a whole button to headshots. Holding down left shift will make the player character aim up slightly with their gun, allowing them to shoot enemies in the head.
  • Brick Joke: During the opening tutorial level, Hank quips that Gil, a burger joint owner, is 'probably Zed chow'. Fast forward to later in the plot, and it's revealed that while it was true at first, Zombie Gil turned the tables on them and is now eating other Zeds.
  • Bullet Dodges You: There is an entire subset of skills devoted to 'TAC-Bar', which is a near-impenetrable bullet shield made out of tactical sense and 'pure reflex'. Essentially, it's a (marginally) more realistic take on a reliable bullet defense mechanism, mostly just to avert Deflector Shields.
    • A new update to this mechanic is the 'Directional TAC-Bar', which makes it a bit harder to maintain. The TAC-Bar only protects the character in a ~180 degree arc in front of where they're aiming, meaning anyone can still get gunned down from behind if they're not expecting incoming fire. Unfortunately though, computer controlled enemies will usually see this coming and adjust their TAC-Bar at the last second to dodge incoming fire anyways. One way to prevent this is by having a squad member distract them so that you can reliably shoot them in the back.
  • Bulletproof Vest: For the most part, this trope is used semi-accurately to Real Life: Different types of vests defend against different types of bullets; some bullets make it through depending on caliber, while others get blocked. Bullets that are blocked will still do, albeit reduced, damage to your health from the force of the round impacting on the vest.
  • Call-Back: One of the game modes is titled 'Interactive Mode' after an early Madness Combat flash game called 'Madness Interactive' and one of the weapons in the game is a urinal, which was one of the weapons in Madness Interactive.
  • Chainsaw Good: THE most damaging melee weapon in the game, it can drop most Mooks with one hit.
  • Chainsaw Grip BFG: The minigun has one of these.
  • Empty Shell: One of the arena stages, Training Room 3.0, has a particularly disturbing briefing.
    Our programmers have all been fired, thanks to their inability to effectively stop your progress through our VR training rooms. Now, each coder has been neurally linked to a VR combatant; every one you kill will render a single coder braindead. Don't go easy on them. This is their punishment, after all.
  • Fire-Breathing Weapon: The 'firebug' works by shooting fireballs of ignited napalm onto targets.
  • Firing One-Handed: Characters with enough skill can do this with two-handed guns, such as shotguns and rifles.
  • Gangsta Style: Any character, including the player, will hold guns sideways if they don't have the 'Core: Gun Handling 1' ranged skill. The game also pokes fun at the concept when you take your first gun handling skill.
    Also, you now hold your gun upright like a professional.
  • Gatling Good: There's a minigun in the game, and there's nothing 'mini' about it.
  • Good Guns, Bad Guns: Notably averted, mainly since weapons spawn randomly and the player can use whatever gun they like, including picking up the bad guy's guns to use against them. See also Throwaway Guns below.
  • Grenade Launcher: The M79 and N 32. The latter has a hilarious description.
    When exploding something isn't enough, and you find yourself needing to explode five more somethings, reach for the biggest six shooter Nevadean Arms has to offer!
  • Guilt-Based Gaming: Pause the game, and a blurb around the center of the screen will appear, accusing you of being a cheater, a Scrub, a Sore Loser, or a Dirty Coward, among other things.
    • Here's a few examples;
    Yeah, you would quit, wouldn't you? Typical.
    Bet you wish this game had an even easier difficulty, huh?
    Were you looking for a cheat menu or something, Chester McCheaterson?
  • Gun Accessories: There are many gun attachments to be had, from suppressors, to scopes, to stocks.
  • Gun Porn: In classic Madness Combat taste, the guns themselves are in big focus.
  • Guns Akimbo: All of the guns can be dual-wielded, including the big ones.
  • Handguns: An entire class of guns are these.
  • Hollywood Silencer: The gun mechanics downplay this. Most smaller caliber guns such as pistols and small rifles don't make much noise in the first place, and the suppressors only decrease the sound by a little bit. However, there are different suppressors that have different amounts of effectiveness, and they will still decrease the 'Loudness' attribute on the gun making them slightly harder to detect.
  • Immune to Bullets: The G0L3M enemies are this: they're giants who wear impregnable bulletproof metal armor. You have to get a bit creative to take them down.
  • Improvised Weapon: Lots of the melee weapons in the game fall under this category, as well as some of the guns; most notably, the Merc weapons.
    Blurring the line between improvised and mass produced. These assembly line, machine shop firearms are as cheap as they are effective.
  • Instant Death Bullet: This is usually what happens when characters get shot.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Krinkels has said that the katana is the best sword.
  • Kung-Fu Jesus: Dr. Jebediah Christoff.
  • Leap and Fire: There is a skill dedicated to this called 'shoot-dodging'.
  • Little Useless Gun: Downplayed, since certain 'weaker' guns can still be good when used by a player with good skills. This is especially true for the NPK.
  • Long-Range Fighter: Merc Sniper enemies are this. They will fight you from a distance and attempt to run away if you get too close.
  • Ludicrous Gibs: With the right weapons (such as shotguns), shooting enemies will blow chunks of meat from their bodies. Headshots with powerful guns reduce heads to bloody chunks.
  • Made of Plasticine: Just about everybody.
  • Mook Chivalry: Swain has been quoted to say that while it would be a great combat simulation to have everyone attack at once, it wouldn't be very fun for the player.
  • Multi-Melee Master: Any character can equip more than one type of melee weapon.
  • Nerf Arm: The urinal. It's essentially just a giant urinal used as a blunt melee weapon. The description text also pokes fun at the player.
    This is gross, why are you swinging it at people?!?! Whoever yanked this off the wall must have been tremendously desperate for a weapon.note
  • Never Bring a Gun to a Knife Fight/Knife to a Fist Fight/Knife to a Gun Fight: Any gun, knife, or fist can be equally deadly.
  • Nostalgia Level: The Sleeper Labs contain a segment where you fight through waves of enemies in the original game's Arena Mode zone, complete with two barrels, an armory doorway, and messages still built to reference 1v02P_6, the player character of the mode.
  • Not Using the 'Z' Word: Zombies in-game are simply referred to as 'zeds'. note
  • One Bullet Clips: Notably averted in this game. Tac-reloading costs you your magazine and any rounds that were left in it.
  • One-Handed Zweihänder: It's possible for a skilled character to do this with 2-handed swords, and blunt melee weapons, for that matter.
  • Parrying Bullets: One skill allows the player to deflect incoming bullets with a sword or blunt weapon, and yet another skill allows them to direct it back at their attackers.
  • Pistol-Whipping: Appears as a skill in the game, and can be used to stun enemies.
  • Quick Draw: There's a skill dedicated to this that allows the player to switch to ranged weapons faster.
  • Rare Guns: The 'Nevadean Defense' gun falls into this category. It's a nod to the 8-barreled Colt Defender Mark I shotgun.
  • Redshirt Army: Most, if not all, of the enemy factions are this. After all, you have to kill every last one to win the level...
  • Spent Shells Shower: Can easily happen with the higher fire rate guns in the game.
  • Spread Shot: Shotguns.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Many returning characters from the animations now get fully-voiced incidental dialogue for the first time, including Jebus, Tricky, Sanford & Deimos, and even The Sheriff.
  • Sword and Gun: Definitely possible in-game due to dual wielding mechanics.
  • Sword Lines: Affects not just swords, but also blunt weapons and fists.
  • Throwaway Guns: Most 'smarter' enemies will do this upon running out of ammo in order to pick up a loaded gun or melee weapon on the ground instead. The player is encouraged to do so as well.
  • Took a Level in Badass: The Sheriff from the early episodes of Madness Combat has pulled of a villainous version, and is no longer the useless good for nothing coward he was back then.
  • Violent Glaswegian: All the bandits inexplicably have Scottish accents despite the game taking place in Nevada.
  • Your Head A-Splode: A recent update added asploding heads.


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