3 Days To Digest

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XVIDEOS digest videos, free. Reader’s Digest – English in 20minutes a day Reader’s Digest ISBN: N/a MP3 866 Mb With “English in 20 minutes a day” you can learn.

How Long Does It Take To Digest Food and Absorb Nutrients?

You can only benefit from nutrients if your digestion process is efficient and effective. It helps to know the typical time frame for your digestive processes and nutrient absorption. Food bound-up in fiber may pass through your gut without being fully digested. Understanding this process is also very important. Depending on some individual digestive characteristics, the entire digestive process from eating food to excreting it can take between 24 and 72 hours. Food spends about 6-8 hours in your stomach.

Six Stages on the Digestive Process:

3 Days To Digest Game

Stage 1: Digestion begins in the mouth via chewing, saliva and enzymes;
Stage 2: Food travels to the stomach via the esophagus;
Stage 3: Food enters the stomach, where acids begin to break down food;
Stage 4: Food then enters the small intestine, where it is further broken down and many nutrients are absorbed;
Stage 5: Food passes through to large intestine, where other nutrients are absorbed, water is taken up with the remaining solids finally making their way to the colon;
Stage 6: Solid waste is stored in the rectum and excreted.

How Long does it take to Digest Food?

Digestion, that is the breakdown of food, starts immediately, the food enters the mouth. Indeed, some carbohydrates are absorbed in the mouth as the food is chewed and broken down by enzymes in the saliva. Acid and enzymes in the stomach further break the food down. However, most of the absorption taking place when the broken down food enters the small intestine. The food has been broken down into small particles and into the basic building blocks of carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids before it can be absorbed. Vitamins and other nutrients have to be released from the food particles and cells before they can be absorbed.

It normally takes about 6-8 hours for food to pass through your stomach and small intestine, and to enter the large intestine. This is where the food becomes fully digested. A sphincter or valve only lets soft food pass through. The solids are retained to be further processed. This means that various components of the food gets processed at different dwell times. Bacteria help with the final break down processes. It can take an additional 24-40 hours for the waste to actually be excreted through the anus. So what you eat for breakfast one day is not going to be fully digested until the end of the next day. What you eat for dinner is digested overnight while you're asleep and digestion is completed after 24-48 hours.

The exact time it takes for food to be digested depends on the elements in the meal, because the food tend to be bound together and the nutrients are only released when the food is fully broken down. Fiber is a mixed bag as it tends to bind the food helping its passage, but this means that some of the food may not be fully broken down before it is expelled. This may man that you miss out on some of the nutrients in the food

The table below shows type digestion times for various types of individual foods.

Some of the key points are:

  • Fats and proteins take longer to digest than plant foods.
  • Fats in the food can slow down the digestion of other foods in the meal.
  • Meals high in fibre take longer to digest. The fibre adds bulk and binds everything together and this slows the transit time down.
  • Grains are digested quicker than hard vegetables
  • Cooked foods digest quicker than raw foods
  • Liquefied foods such as smoothies, drinks and shakes are digested very quickly

How Long Does it Take to Absorb Nutrients from Food?

The various nutrients released gradually during the digestion process, such as vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates and fats are absorbed at different points along the digestive tract. Most of the absorption of nutrients begins about 3-6 hours after the food is eaten, and takes place from the small intestine. Sugars are digested quickly and are absorbed through the stomach wall and the wall of the small intestine. Various enzymes released from the intestine help with the break down of carbohydrates, fat and protein. For example, bile acid helps break down fat, pancreatic juices help break down carbohydrates. Some nutrients are also absorbed via the large intestine at a later stage of the digestion.

How Does Diet Affect Digestion and Rate of Absorption of Nutrients?

3 Days To Digest Play

One of the key influences on digestion rate and efficiency is what you are eating in a meal.

  • => A steak dinner can take 2-3 days to get fully processed.
  • => A meal of vegetables and fruits can be through in less than 12 hours.
  • => The more fiber you eat, the quicker your body typically digests foods because fiber binds with your stool to help it move more easily through your body. But the binding process can lock up nutrients and stop you getting the full quota of nutrients in the food.
  • => Physical activity also can speed the digestive process by stimulating the movement of stool through your intestines.
  • => Factors that can slow your digestive process include drinking caffeine, taking certain prescription drugs or using products that contain nicotine.
  • Stages of Chewing, Digestion, Nutrient Absorption and Waste Elimination


Chewing mechanically mixes food with saliva from the salivary glands and mucin, a slippery protein in saliva. Each mouthful takes about 30–60 seconds to process


The food in the mouth is rolled into a small ball called a bolus, which is pushed to the back of the mouth by the tongue. Muscle contractions in the pharynx then push the bolus down towards the oesophagus. This swallowing reflex takes about 1–3 seconds.


In the oesophagus, the ball of food is moved down by rhythmic contractions of the muscles present in its walls. This peristalsis takes about 5–8 seconds to move through the oesophagus reach the stomach.

Stomach Digestion

Food is mixed with gastric juice and strong muscular action from the stomach wall work the food to what is called 'chyme' – a thick milky material. The pyloric sphincter at the bottom end of the stomach slowly releases chyme into the duodenum when it is ready and liquefied. Emptying the stomach generally takes 2–6 hours.

Small Intestine

It takes about 3–5 hours for the liquid that enters the duodenum to exit from the ileum. The small intestine is lined by complex folds, villi and microvilli, which dramatically increases the absorptive surface area. This also allows maximum exposure to enzymes and helps with the absorption of the end products of digestion such as sugars, amino acids, fatty acids and all the nutrients.

Large Intestine - Caecum, Colon and Rectum

It takes about 5–12 hours for the liquid food to leave the small intestine and enter the first part of the large intestine known as the caecum – a small pouch that acts as a temporary storage site. The large intestine is 1.5–1.8 m (about 3 feet) in length and is divided into the caecum, colon and rectum. The 5 major functions of the large intestine are recovery of electrolytes, water and nutrients, fermentation of indigestible food matter by bacteria and the formation and storage of faeces. The bacteria ferment some of the more resistant food remains, releasing short-chain fatty acids and nutrients such as vitamin K. Residence times in the colon ranges from 4–72 hours, and averages of 36 hours. The waste from the large intestine is stored in the rectum until it is expelled.

The entire digestive process from eating food to excreting it can take between 24 and 72 hours.

Digestion Times for Various Foods

Fruit and vegetable juices, vegetable broth

15 to 20 minutes

Blended salads, vegetables and fruit, Shakes and Smoothies

20 to 30 minutes


20 minutes


30 minutes

Egg yolk

30 minutes

Cod, flounder, other fish and most seafood

30 minutes

Orange, grapefruit, grapes

30 minutes

Apples, pears, peaches, cherries, etc.

40 minutes

Salads chopped (tomaw, lettuce, cucumber, celery, bell peppers, other succulent vegetables)

30 to 40 minutes

Steamed or cooked leafy vegetables (spinach, kale)

40 minutes

The whole egg with white

45 minutes

Broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, string beans, fresh greens

45 minutes

Root vegetables (carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips, etc.)

50 minutes

Salmon, trout, herring and other fatty fish

45 to 60 minutes

Com, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, chestnuts

60 minutes

Parsley, lemon

1 1/4 hours

Brown rice, millet, buckwheat, maize, oat flakes

1 1/2 hours

Lentils, chickpeas, peas, beans, 1.5 hours

1 1/2 hours

Skimmed milk, cheese and curd cheese lite

1 1/2 hours

Avocado, grapes, mango, olive, ripe raspberry

1 3/4 hours


1.5 to 2 hours

Whole milk cottage cheesee

2 hours

Sunflower, sesame, pumpkin seeds, and the like

2 hours

Blueberry, sweet cherry, grapefruit, orange, raisin, coconut milk, artichoke, beet greens, garlic, potato, tomato, brown rice

2 hours

Fig, fresh, pear-fresh, pineapple, strawberry, asparagus, carrot, cauliflower, lettuce

2 1/4 hours


2 to 2.5 hours

Blackberry, date, fig -dried, gooseberry, peach - fresh, almond, dandelion, greens, leek, mushroom, okra, bean, white rice, basmati rice

2 1/2 hours

Apple -fresh, apricot - fresh, currant, peach - dried, plum, watermelon, chestnut, coconut meat - fresh, pecan, pignolia, beet, summer squash, wheat bran

2 3/4 hours

Almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, filberts, cashews, etc

2.5 to 3 hours

Lime, prune -dried, filbert nut, walnut, broccoli, cabbage, Swiss chard, sweet corn, endive, kohlrabi, rhubarb, spinach, winter squash, white bean, lentil, soybean, wheat germ

3 hours

Cranberry, cantaloupe, casaba melon, honeydew melon, olive oil, pomegranate, cashew nut , coconut meat-dried , celery , cucumber , onion , sweet green pepper , pumpkin, radish , rutabaga, sweet potato, turnip greens , watercress , snap bean , peas - fresh , peanut , millet

3 1/4 hours

Safflower oil, sesame seed oil , eggplant , mustard , greens peas - dried , soybean oil , rye

3 1/2 hours

persimmon, quince, red cabbage, barley, wheat

3 3/4 hours

Beef and mutton, lamb

3 to 4 hours

Brussels sprouts, horseradish, turnip

4 hours

Hard cheeses

4 to 5 hours


4.5 to 5 hours

A lot of people tell me that they are confused and overwhelmed when choosing the foods that are best for their body. They say that their body is unpredictable in its response to certain foods. Sometimes dairy feels ok and other times it causes fatigue and bloating, sometimes nuts feel grounding and nourishing and other times they sit in the stomach like a brick.

It may seem like there is no correlation or a way to predict your body’s reaction to food but if you look a little closer, you may notice certain trends.

Stress and Your Digestion

The more stressed, tired, under-slept, or anxious you are, the more foods will aggravate your digestive balance. On the other hand while rested, relaxed, and calm your stomach digests like a champ.

We rarely can control the circumstances or problems that come up at work, but we do have control over how we perceive things and how we nourish our body during stressful times.

As a general rule the more stressed you are, the gentler diet you should follow.

Often when the day gets super busy we end up eating without taking a break from all the ‘important’ tasks on hand. Whether we can’t get away from the computer while mindlessly picking at a salad, or quickly shove in a deli sandwich in between the meetings, eating in a rush all stressed out sucks! There is no way to eat mindfully while multitasking.

When eating in a rush we get the calories but no real nourishment that our body and soul need. The lack of nourishment can show up as cravings for sweet foods, lack of enthusiasm and motivation, and a general feeling of dissatisfaction. On a physical level, eating on the go has some detrimental health effects, as well. It adversely effects digestion since you might not have enough time to chew food. Having been swallowed without proper chewing, the food falls to the stomach as a heavy rock, making us feel bloated and tired in the afternoon.

If you are in a perpetual high-stress mode than try easy-to-digest liquid-based meals. Your goal should be to nourish your body without overtaxing it. It means having light foods full of easily available nutrients during high-stress times. Liquid-based foods provide an easier to access source of nutrition. Keep it light and nourishing.

Your biggest meal should be when you are less tired and not as busy.

Help your body to deal with stress by reducing energy-draining heavy foods. Your body will thank you!

Here are a few easy-to-digest foods that you can eat during stressful days:

  • Herbed Lentil Soup

    Red lentil soup (green or brown lentil is a lot harder to digest)

  • Vegetable curry
  • Berries
  • Stewed fruit
  • Rice pudding
  • Spiced almond milk blended with dates and spices
  • Porridge
  • Steamed veggies
  • Vegetable soups
  • Room temperature smoothie without dairy or too many nuts

And some here are some foods to avoid because they are considered hard to digest according to ayurveda

  • Dry nuts and crackers
  • Sandwiches
  • Burritos
  • Quesadillas
  • Pizza
  • Pastries
  • Heavy meat-based dishes
  • Anything with cheese
  • Anything cold, dry, or not freshly made

Can Your Body Benefit From Easy To Digest Meals?

One of the most reliable signs that you might benefit from a few days of easy to digest foods is a coated tongue. Ayurveda advises to look at the tongue first thing in the morning. The tongue is a detailed health map!

The same way as the face, the tongue changes colors/shades, shape, and surface texture providing a current health state update. Much like reflexology, all the organs and the entire body can be located on specific regions of the tongue. As a mirror of the body’s digestive system, the tongue can reflect what minerals and vitamins may be deficient and can reveal the health of other various organs in the body.

Some other things to look for:

3 Days To Digest
  • Teeth imprints around the contour of the tonguemalabsoprion of nutrients. Your digestive system is not very happy. To stimulate digestion in a natural healthy way, add fresh ginger tea, avoid iced drinks and start paying attention to food combining. Here is an article on Ayurvedic Food Combining.

  • Trembling tongue a sign of anxiety or fear, possible Vata disturbance and high stress. We live in such a high stress society that anxiety can crawl over you without you even being aware of it. It might even be your permanent state and you are so used to it that can’t tell the difference. Forgot when was the last time you woke up rested and excited to start your day? Thought so! Time to take a break from caffeine, have some chamomile tea and nourish your nervous system with warm, easy to digest light soups and bean dishes.
  • Thick grayish coating – Toxins in colon. Did you think about doing a detox but couldn’t think of a strong enough incentive. Welcome to the club! Knowing that your colon is full of material that doesn’t belong there, that spreads toxins into your blood, makes you sluggish, your skin greyish and your head foggy might be the push you were waiting for. Take a break from heavy, oily and processed foods. No need to fast if you are not ready for it but make it a vegetable or fruits day only. Choose foods that are easiest to digest. If you make is a vegetable day, go for steamed not raw, same with fruits, baked apples with cinnamon is my choice when I do one day food break. You won’t feel hungry or tired because apples provide plenty of natural sugars and fiber to keep you full and energized. Your body will feel so fresh and light the next day, you might want to make it a weekly treat. You take a break from work why not give your digestive system a break also?

Dr Lad advises to look at the tongue in the morning before brushing your teeth. He also strongly encourages the use of a tongue scraper on a daily basis. Why walk around with a ton of toxins if you can just scrape them off?!

Improve Your Digestion. You Don’t Have To Suffer!

If you feel like your body is in a less that thriving state of health, if you wish you had more energy, less cravings, and less bloating, and want more step by step guidance on how to help your body to get there, check out my new program Happy Sexy Belly.

This 6 weeks online video program will help you create your own Food Map with foods that your body thrives on and those that you need to stay away from. It will help you understand your digestive symptoms and improve them. You will be able to create a more trusting and loving relationship with your body and your tummy!


It feels amazing to be in control of how you feel and how you look! It is a great pleasure to wake up feeling energetic and with a flat not bloated stomach.

I hope you can join me for this amazing adventure on improving health and well-being! Check out Happy Sexy Belly program here.

If you have any questions or would like to take the program but can’t afford it right now, email me at nadyaand@gmail.com and I will do my best to make it work for both of us!